Johnny Munkhammar skrev på denna blogg från 2004 till sin död 2012. Bloggen är upprätthållen som ett minne och som referens till Johnnys arbete av Johnny Munkhammars minnesfond.

This blog was operated by Johnny Munkhammar from 2004 until 2012 when he passed away. This blog is now in a memorialized state and operated by the Johnny Munkhammar fund.
Prenumerera pĂĽ nyhetsbrevet
Sunday 27/10/2024, 22:11:56

15/09/2006 11:41:14 am
International Interviews. During the last days, many international media have interviewed me. The Swedish election produces a big interest in the current situation in Sweden, and a correct image is essential for drawing the right conclusions. I have explained why there is a need for both a shift of government and a shift of policy towards market-oriented reforms. And I have provided facts about the substantial problems in the labor market. The recent media that have done interviews include Dutch Radio, Danish Jyllands-Posten, French Les Echos, the London Sunday Telegraph, Brazilian Folha de Sao Paulo, Hungarian Népszabadság, Czech Economia and Italian Il sole 24 ore.

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