Johnny Munkhammar skrev på denna blogg från 2004 till sin död 2012. Bloggen är upprätthållen som ett minne och som referens till Johnnys arbete av Johnny Munkhammars minnesfond.

This blog was operated by Johnny Munkhammar from 2004 until 2012 when he passed away. This blog is now in a memorialized state and operated by the Johnny Munkhammar fund.
Prenumerera på nyhetsbrevet
Saturday 27/07/2024, 05:09:54

08/05/2008 1:55:51 pm
The Democrats After the Clintons. In today′s New York Times, there is an interesting article about the challenge facing Obama when Clinton quits the race. There will be a shift from almost 20 years of dominance by the Clintons. There are also interesting comments by superdeletages who want to support Obama, but just wait for Clinton to quit voluntarily.

Read the article here - >

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