Sunday 16/02/2025, 22:57:28
25/10/2004 1:15:04 pm
Prodi: "Lisbon is a failure". When the Lisbon Process was launched in 2000, the aim of its reforms was to close the GDP gap with the US by 2010. Now that we have come almost half way, the gap has grown larger. Outgoing President of the European Commission, Romano Prodi, now talks of missed objectives, failed promises and calls it all a failure. Which, of course, is nothing but the obvious truth. On November 5th, however, former Dutch PM Wim Kok will deliver his report on how to repair the failure. His report has already been sent to Financial Times, and they reveal parts of it today. Apparently, Mr Kok is also stating the facts of the failure. He blames it on a lack of political will. Now he presents new proposals, such as fast-track work permits, speeding up work to complete the single market and reshaping the EU budget. Indeed some well-meaning proposals. But why would the political will suddenly appear? And everyone knows that most of the reforms necessary in Europe - lower taxes, de-regulations, free enterprise in welfare services - have to be decided on the national level. Not to be a pessimist, but the hill upon which the road to serious reforms for growth goes is still steep.

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