Monday 07/10/2024, 13:21:54
06/01/2010 8:09:59 pm
En fjärdedel lägre skatt. Sedan förra valet har inkomstskatterna för en person med normal inkomst sänkts med en fjärdedel - finanskris till trots. Det är en stor och viktig bedrift som ökar den egna makten över livet. Se hur mycket din skatt har sänkts här.
Samtidigt toppar vi igen den internationella skatteligan när det gäller marginalskatt, alltså den högsta inkomstskatten. Dags att fokusera på den delen och avskaffa värnskatten till att börja med!
06/01/2010 10:59:13 am
Is Time Speeding Up? The birth of Ronald Reagan is closer to the end of the Napoleonic wars than it is to today. And the release of "Love me do" by the Beatles is closer to World War I than it is to our time. A thought-provoking piece by Christopher Caldwell.
Read it here - >
06/01/2010 10:03:20 am
A Better New Year. For me, last year had a great distance between its tops and bottoms. The difference between the birth of our second daughter and receiving the diagnosis cancer is substantial indeed. But I think it has been a dramatic year for many people, following the recession. As we emerge from it, we will see that changes have taken place. China is now the world′s biggest exporter, for example. I think that 2010 will be a less dramatic year - though one never knows - and in many ways better.
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