Johnny Munkhammar skrev på denna blogg från 2004 till sin död 2012. Bloggen är upprätthållen som ett minne och som referens till Johnnys arbete av Johnny Munkhammars minnesfond.

This blog was operated by Johnny Munkhammar from 2004 until 2012 when he passed away. This blog is now in a memorialized state and operated by the Johnny Munkhammar fund.
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Friday 25/10/2024, 18:11:11

About Johnny

Basic timeline
1974 Born in Hultsfred, Småland, Sweden
1978 Moved to Visby, Gotland, Sweden
1981-90 School in Visby
1990-93 High School in Visby
1993-95 Military Service, Royal Swedish Navy, Stockholm
1995-98 Studies at Uppsala University
1998-99 Federation of Swedish Industry, Brussels, Belgium
1999-2001 Gullers Group Consultancy, Stockholm, Sweden
2002-2005 Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, Stockholm, Sweden
2005-2008 Timbro, the free market think-tank of Swedish Enterprise
2008- Munkhammar Advisory
2010-2012 Swedish Parliament
2012 Johnny died in Österskär, Stockholm

Master of Social Science. Major in Political Science. Minors: Economics, Economic History, Peace and Conflict Research, Eastern Europe Research and Rhetoric.
Sergeant in the Swedish Navy. Specialised in communications.

Professional experience
Timbro. Program Director.
Confederation of Swedish Enterprise. Senior Policy Advisor.
Gullers Group. Senior Advisor and Partner in a leading Public Affairs Consultancy.
Federation of Swedish Industry. Expert in Economic Policy.
YES to Europe. Writer and Debater for Swedish EU membership.
Nerikes Allehanda and Gotlands Tidningar. Summer employments as an editorial writer.

Associate Scolar, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 2012.
Member of Parliament, Sweden, 2010-2012
Research Director, European Enterprise Institute, 2008-2011
Senior Fellow, European Enterprise Institute, 2007-2008
Associate Scholar, Center for European Policy Analysis, 2007-2010-10-07
Member of the Advisory Board for Captus, a think-tank.
Member of the Board of the Committee for the Public Property of Stockholm City 2005-2006
Member of the Board of Stockholmshem, second largest housing company in Sweden, 2003-2005
Member of the Editorial Board of Liberal Debate, a monthly intellectual magazine, 2002-2012.
Advisor for Society and Defence, an organisation working with security policy, 1999-2001.

2012 Företagarnas hederspris, with motivation "För en sällsynt skarp, energifylld och välgrundad röst för företagsamheten under årtionden både utanför och inom riksdagen - kännetecknad av analytisk stringens och budskapsmässig säkerhet. Johnny Munkhammar har genom samtliga möjliga kanaler som blogg, publika debatter, föredrag, förhandlingar i riksdagen och företagarbesök konsekvent stått upp för företagsamheten som bärande samhällskraft för ett bättre, friare och rikare samhälle."

2013 (Postumt) Moderata ungdomsförbundet Stockholms frihetspris, with motivation "Genom sitt outtröttliga engagemang och hängivna arbete har denna man gjort en betydande gärning för friheten i Sverige, Europa och världen. Med sina insatser hos tankesmedjan Timbro, som riksdagsledamot och som samhällsdebattör har han genom sin sällsynta syntes av en stor ideolog och en god politiker effektivt verkat för individens rätt, entreprenörskap och frihet."

2008-2012 Member of the Moderate Party of Sweden
2007-2010 Member of Partner Programme, Hill & Knowlton Sweden
2007-2012 Senior Fellow, European Enterprise Institute
Member of the Society of Economists, the Swedish Atlantic Council, the Center for Business and Policy Studies and the Kebnekaise Group
One of the founders of the Citizens Ombudsman for Refugees,
Editor of Timbro Briefing papers 2005-2007 and Amerikabrev,
Columnist in several dailies and magazines and extensive experience from international media
Participant and speaker at numerous national and international conferences and seminars
Member of several international networks, groups and associations that analyse society and pursue market-oriented ideas
Advisor to politicians, business leaders and civil servants about various long- and short-term issues.

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